Italian Cane Corso Dog Kennel Exporting Puppies to Central USA: Texas, Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, etc.

Welcome to Il Corso dell'Olimpo

At Il Corso dell'Olimpo, we are dedicated to breeding and raising top-quality Italian Cane Corso dogs. Our kennel, located in the heart of Italy, is committed to the health, temperament, and well-being of our puppies.

Why Choose Il Corso dell'Olimpo?

Exporting to Central USA: Texas, Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas

We have extensive experience in exporting our Cane Corso puppies to the Central states of the USA, for example to Texas, Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, W. & S.Dakota and so on. Generally speaking, Texas, Kansas, and surrounding states require a health certificate and proof of rabies vaccination for puppies. Additionally, specific regulations may apply for each state, including potential local registration requirements and quarantine protocols. Always verify local requirements to ensure compliance.

In this regard, we recommend that you take a look at this guide, featured in our blog: Guide to How to Import a Cane Corso from Italy to the United States of America.

How To Contact Us

You can contact us, Il Corso dell'Olimpo, with the following contact information:

We receive by appointment only. Other useful information can be found in the appropriate CONTACTS page.

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